======WGC GLIDER PILOT PRE-SEASON REVIEW QUIZ 2024====== The following quiz is a review of operating procedures, the WGC Flight Operations Document and the Air Regulations. Please complete this quiz as it will be discussed at the pre-season meeting. **Notes:** - You **//cannot//** save your progress in the quiz and resume later. However, if you cannot complete your quiz in one session, you may submit the questions that you have completed. When you are ready to continue, just re-enter your name and email address and then resume the quiz from where you had left off. //When you have completed all of the quiz questions, please check the box beside the "I have completed the quiz" comment just above the submit button.// - If you accidentally close down your browser while doing the quiz, **//all of your work will be lost//**. - Most text boxes in the quiz can be expanded to be larger by dragging down the right lower corner of the box. - This quiz will be sent to the safety officer and the email address that you specify. - This quiz //may// be reviewed by the CFI, assistant CFI or other instructors in addition to the Safety Officer. - If you need to do an off-line version of this quiz, please let us know and we will arrange to get one to you. **References:** Please open quiz reference links, or any new link for that matter, in a new tab or window when you are doing the quiz. **//Never open a new link in your active quiz tab/window when you have unsubmitted answers in the tab/window.//** If you open a new link in the same browser tab/window in which you are doing the quiz, when you hit the back button to go back to the quiz page you will find that all of your work has been lost and you will have to re-enter it. | (AIR) | Airspace | [[https://wiki.wgc.mb.ca/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=areas.png]] | | (CARS) | CARS | https://lois-laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-96-433/FullText.html | | (COWLEY) | Cowley Camp & Flying Guide | http://www.soaring.ab.ca/2015%20Cowley%20Guide.pdf | | (CROSS) | Crosswind Calculator | https://aerotoolbox.com/crosswind/ | | (DAH) | [[https://www.navcanada.ca/en/aeronautical-information/operational-guides.aspx#093dcf9f312e43df922dec86e7f295d7|Designated Airspace Handbook]] | https://www.navcanada.ca/en/dah20240125.pdf | | (MANAB) | Manual of Abbreviations | https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/eccc/migration/main/manab/ff340370-81d3-4b5d-a2c1-e25ac6342937/manab.pdf | | (MET) | Meteorology | https://tc.canada.ca/sites/default/files/2020-10/aim-2020-2_met-e.pdf | | (POSTER) | TC Airspace Poster | https://tc.canada.ca/sites/default/files/migrated/tc_6010_airspaceposter_e.pdf | | (PROVE) | WGC Proving Ground Tasks | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ssXD9b1kJ7mosRq_6mx28Dmv_qFQZ-hA/view | | (PW5) | PW-5 Manual | https://www.wgc.mb.ca/jdownloads/Manuals/PW-5_SMYK-POH.pdf | | (PW6) | PW-6 Manual | https://www.wgc.mb.ca/jdownloads/Manuals/PW-6U_Sailplane_Flight_Manual.pdf | | (RADIO) | Radio | [[https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.nsf/vwapj/ric21-upd-oct-2011.pdf/$FILE/ric21-upd-oct-2011.pdf]] | | (RWY) | Runway | [[https://wiki.wgc.mb.ca/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=runways.png]] | | (SALTFG) | Soar and Learn to Fly Gliders, Edition 10. NEW | http://sac.ca/index.php/en/documents-en/safety-and-training/resources-for-new-pilots/725-soar-learn-to-fly-gliders-2023/file | | (SELF) | TC 2023-2024 Self-Paced Study Program | https://tc.canada.ca/en/aviation/licensing-pilots-personnel/staying-current-proficient-pilot/flight-crew-recency-requirements-self-paced-study-program | | (SIM) | SOARING INSTRUCTION MANUAL | http://www.sac.ca/index.php/en/documents-en/safety-and-training/instructor-resources/420-instructor-manual-11th-edition-parts-a-a-b/file | | (VIEWER) | Unofficial Canadian Airspace Viewer | https://airspace.canadarasp.com/ | | (VFRPHRASE) | VFR Phraseology (NAVCAN) | https://www.navcanada.ca/en/vfr-phraseology.pdf | | (WGCFR) | Winnipeg Gliding Club Flight Rules | https://www.wgc.mb.ca/index.php/2-public/46-flight-rules | | (WXSERV) | Nav Canada Weather Services Guide | https://www.navcanada.ca/en/aviation-weather-services-guide.pdf |
Action mail @@Email_Address@@ sps@59.ca subject "WGC Quiz Answers for @@Name@@ (@@Email_Address@@)" Thanks "Thanks for participating in this quiz!" Fieldset "Quiz Participant Information" Textbox "Name" email "Email_Address" Textbox "License Number" ! Date "Booklet Expiry Date" ! Date "Last Medical Date" ! Date "Flight Instructor (Glider) Expiry Date" ! static "This quiz will be sent to the safety officer. The quiz will also be sent to you at the email address you specified above. Be sure to get your email address correct, you only have one chance." fieldset "Check lists" textarea "1) What should you do if you cannot honestly state that 'I am safe' as per the IAMSAFE checklist? (SALTFG page 13, SIM B2 page 12)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "2) What is the new SAC pre-release check (SALTFG page 16)" x4 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "3) What is the new SAC post-release check (SALTFG page 17)" x6 ! wiki "\\ " fieldset "Signallers" textarea "1) Where should the forward signaller normally be positioned? (SALTFG page 4)" x2 ! textarea "2) What should the wing runner be checking/ensuring while the pilot is doing their pre launch cockpit checks? (SALTFG page 5)" x2 ! wiki "\\ " fieldset "Radio" textarea "1) What do you need to do before transmitting? (RADIO 5.7.1)" x3 ! wiki "\\ " wiki "2) Match the following words or phrases on the left with the meanings on the right. (RADIO Appendix B)\\ \\ a) An expression used in radiocommunication meaning 'I repeat for clarity or emphasis.'\\ b) Your instructions received, understood and will be complied with.\\ c) Consider this transmission as not sent.\\ d) Conversation is ended and no response is expected.\\ e) Let me know that you have received and understood this message.\\ f) My transmission is ended and I expect a response from you.\\ g) An error has been made in this transmission (or message indicated). The correct version is ....\\ h) I have received all of your last transmission.\\ " Hidden "2) Match the following words or phrases on the left with the meanings on the right. (RADIO Appendix B)" "= " Hidden " a) An expression used in radiocommunication meaning 'I repeat for clarity oremphasis.'" "= " Hidden " b) Your instructions received, understood and will be complied with. " "= " Hidden " c) Consider this transmission as not sent." "= " Hidden " d) Conversation is ended and no response is expected." "= " Hidden " e) Let me know that you have received and understood this message." "= " Hidden " f) My transmission is ended and I expect a response from you. " "= " Hidden " g) An error has been made in this transmission (or message indicated). The correct version is .... " "= " Hidden " h) I have received all of your last transmission. " "= " textbox "Acknowledge" /^[a-h,A-H]$/ ! textbox "Correction" /^[a-h,A-H]$/ ! textbox "Disregard" /^[a-h,A-H]$/ ! textbox "I say again" /^[a-h,A-H]$/ ! textbox "Out" /^[a-h,A-H]$/ ! textbox "Over" /^[a-h,A-H]$/ ! textbox "Roger" /^[a-h,A-H]$/ ! textbox "Wilco" /^[a-h,A-H]$/ ! wiki "\\ " textarea "3) Give an example of when it would be appropriate to use the phrase 'I say again'. (RADIO Appendix B)" x3 ! wiki "\\ " fieldset "Airspace" textarea "1) In general, why can't gliders fly in Class A airspace? Are there any exceptions to this rule and if so, please give an example? (POSTER, DAH, COWLEY)" x4 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "2) What are the visibility/separation requirements for Class G airspace for VFR flight? (POSTER)" x4 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "3) What are the visibility/separation requirements for Classes B through E airspace for VFR flight? (POSTER)" x4 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "4) Describe the airspace above the Homewood airstrip from the ground to outer space? (VIEWER, AIR, POSTER, DAH)" x4 ! textarea "5) Can you fly through the Class F airspace which is just a bit northwest of Glenboro Manitoba? Why or Why not? (VIEWER, POSTER, DAH)" x2 ! fieldset "Right of Way" textarea "1) Despite any other provision of section 602.19 in the Canadian Aviation Regulations, the pilot-in-command of an aircraft that has the right of way shall, ___________________________. (CARS 602.19)" x2 ! wiki "\\ " static "2) CARs states that 'When two aircraft are converging at approximately the same altitude, the pilot-in-command of the aircraft that has the other on its right shall give way' but also lists some exceptions to this rule. What aircraft do gliders need to give way to? Select all answers that apply. (CARS 602.19)" hidden "2) CARs states that 'When two aircraft are converging at approximately the same altitude, the pilot-in-command of the aircraft that has the other on its right shall give way' but also lists some exceptions to this rule. What aircraft do gliders need to give way to? Select all answers that apply. (CARS 602.19)" "= " yesno "Airships" "=Yes" "!No" yesno "Balloons" "=Yes" "!No" yesno "Power-driven, heavier-than-air aircraft" "=Yes" "!No" wiki "\\ " textarea "3) Where two aircraft are approaching head-on or approximately so and there is a risk of collision, the pilot-in-command of each aircraft shall alter its heading to the _________. (CARS 602.19)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "4) Where an aircraft is in flight or manoeuvring on the surface, the pilot-in-command of the aircraft shall ________________ to an aircraft that is landing or about to land. (CARS 602.19)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "5) The pilot-in-command of an aircraft that is approaching an aerodrome for the purpose of landing shall ________________ to any aircraft at a lower altitude that is also approaching the aerodrome for the purpose of landing. (CARS 602.19)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " fieldset "Aerotow" textarea "1) It is a cool day. You are well within the weight limits for your glider. You start your take off roll. Your ground roll seems to take forever even though you are up to normal take off speed. What is the probable cause of the long ground roll and what should you do?" x3 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "2) During the tow you let the glider get above the towplane to the point where you can not see the towplane. What are your actions? (SIM Section B page 76)" x2 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "3) While on tow, a large slack develops in the tow rope. How do you remove the slack without breaking the rope? (SALTFG pages 72,73)" x5 ! wiki "\\ " fieldset "Meteorology" wiki "TAF CYVR 061140Z \\ 0612/0718 22010KT P6SM FEW020 SCT050 SCT200 \\ TEMPO 0612/0618 SCT020 BKN050 BKN200 \\ BECMG 0613/0615 10008KT \\ FM061800 27008KT P6SM SCT040 BKN140 \\ FM070900 30008KT P6SM SCT025 BKN050 BKN080 \\ RMK NXT FCST BY 061500Z= \\ \\" radio "1) Using the above TAF, what is the forecasted weather conditions for the duration of the flight with a departure at 1700Z on a 2-hour local flight? (SELF Q14, MET Section 7, WXSERV pages 34-36, MANAB)" "a) The lowest cloud layer expected is 2000 AGL|b) Winds will shift from 100° to 270°|c) The ceiling on arrival will be 5000 AGL|d) Both a and b" ! wiki "\\ " wiki "METAR CYWG 202000Z 30005KT 250V310 15SM FEW250 M04/M09 A2989 RMK CI2 SLP141=" textarea "2) Translate the above METAR into plain language. (MET Section 8, WXSERV pages 17-18, MANAB)" x2 ! wiki "\\ " fieldset "Retrieving / Ground Handling" textarea "1) Regardless of whether you are walking, driving a vehicle or towing a glider, what is the first thing you do before crossing from one side of a runway to the other?" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "2) What should you do after landing the glider? (WGCFR - Flight Line Traffic Procedures #4)" x3 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "3) When is the only time that you shouldn't retrieve the glider on the take-off side of the runway? (WGCFR - Flight Line Traffic Procedures #5)" x3 ! wiki "\\ " fieldset "General Knowledge" textarea "1) No person shall act as a crew member of an aircraft within _____hours (hr) after consuming an alcoholic beverage. (Reference: TC AIM RAC Annex and CAR 602.03)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "2) Why should gliders, especially club gliders, have their Daily Inspection completed before being brought out to the flight line?" x2 ! textarea "3) What does a glider pilot need to have done before climbing into a glider to fly? (SALTFG page 14)" x4 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "4) The club's rule on pilot currency states that 'all pilots shall have made a minimum of ___ flights within the preceding 60 days prior to flying as P1 in a club aircraft'. (WGCFR Currency)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "5) What are the symptoms of an impending stall? (SALTFG page 36)" x5 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "6) How do you join a thermal that has another glider or gliders? (SALTFG page 43)" x5 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "7) List five situations which can lead to a spin in a glider. (SIM pages 108-109, SALTFG 99)" x5 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "8) Describe the actions to recover from a full spin. (SALTFG page 102, SIM page 108)" x5 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "9) What are the characteristics of a spiral dive? (SALTFG page 103)" x3 ! wiki "\\ " radio "10) Where would the yaw string be on a slipping turn to the left?" "Left of center|Center|Right of center" ! wiki "\\" radio "11) Where would the yaw string be on a skidding turn to the left?" "Left of center|Center|Right of center" ! wiki "\\" textarea "12) Why is a skidding especially dangerous on final? (SALTFG page 98-99)" x5 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "13) What are some of the challenges and/or differences of doing a downwind landing versus a normal into wind landing? (SALTFG pages 60-61, SIM Section B pages 53-54,78)" x5 ! wiki "\\" textarea "14) The wind is from 335 degrees at 5 knots. Which is the best runway for the conditions and why? (CROSS, RWY, WGCFR - FLIGHT LINE TRAFFIC PROCEDURES #1 )" x4 ! wiki "\\" static "15) A pilot is going up for a check ride with an instructor in the PW-6. The pilot will be in the front seat, the instructor in the rear seat. (PW6 Section 6.2)." textbox "15 a) What is the maximum weight for the front seat pilot if the instructor weighs 210 lbs?" ! wiki "\\" textbox "15 b) What is the maximum weight for the front seat pilot if the instructor weighs 150 lbs?" ! wiki "\\" Fieldset "Cross Country" wiki "The following references are of use for the next two questions: \\ [[https://www.google.com/maps/place/49%C2%B030'09.6%22N+97%C2%B056'02.6%22W/@49.502655,-98.0164495,23404m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d49.502655!4d-97.934052?entry=ttu|Map showing where 3 miles east of the intersection of hwys 13 & 3]] \\ [[https://airspace.canadarasp.com/|Airspace Viewer]] \\ [[https://www.wgc.mb.ca/jdownloads/Manuals/PW-6U_Sailplane_Flight_Manual.pdf|PW6 Manual]] \\ [[https://imageserver.fltplan.com/afd/Canada/25JAN2024/CJS7-1606.PDF|CJS7]] \\ [[https://imageserver.fltplan.com/afd/Canada/25JAN2024/CJT8-1610.PDF|CJT8]] \\" textarea "1) You have been trying to make it back to the field after a nice afternoon of soaring in the PW-6. You haven't been able to find any lift for a while now and it is a blue day. You find yourself at 3500 ft ASL about 3 miles east of the intersection of Highways 13 & 3. The wind is from 310 at about 10 knots. If there is no significant lift or sink between your location and the field, can you make it back to the field with an adequate reserve height for a circuit?" x2 ! textarea "2) You are still at the same approximate location as listed in the above question and the same weather conditions are still in effect. You try to find lift in the area but have no luck and manage to lose height and are now at 3000 ft ASL. What are some of your options? List some of the factors that you should be aware of in respect of your option(s)?" x8 ! fieldset "PW-6 Questions" textarea "1) What is the maximum cockpit load (aircrew, parachutes & luggage) for the PW-6? (PW6 Sections 2.4, 6.2)." x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "2) What are the minimum and maximum pilot weights with parachute for the PW-6? (PW6 Sections 2.4, 6.2)." x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "3) What is the demonstrated crosswind performance of the PW-6? (PW6 Section 5.3.1)." x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "4) What is the recommended approach speed in the PW-6 and how is it marked on the ASI? (PW6 Section 2.3)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "5) What is VNE for the PW-6 and how is VNE marked on the ASI? (PW6 Sections 2.2 & 2.3)" x2 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "6) What the rough air speed for the PW-6? (PW6 Section 2.2)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "7) What is the maximum aerotow speed for the PW-6? (PW6 Section 2.2)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "8) What is the minimum sink speed for the PW-6 at maximum take off weight? (PW6 Section 5.3.2)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "9) What is the best L/D speed for the PW-6 at maximum take off weight? (PW6 Section 5.3.2)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "10) What is the glide ratio of the PW-6? (PW6 Section 5.3.2)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " fieldset "PW-5 Questions" static "Please answer these questions if you have flown the PW-5 before or hope to fly the PW-5 this season." textarea "1) What are the minimum and maximum pilot weights with parachute for the PW-5? (PW5 Section 6.2)." x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "2) What must a pilot do if the combined weight of their body plus their parachute is below 60 KG? (PW5 Section 6.2)." x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "3) What is the demonstrated crosswind performance of the PW-5? (PW5 Section 5.3.1)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "4) What is the recommended approach speed in the PW-5 and how is it marked on the ASI? (PW5 Sections 2.3 & 4.5.4)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "5) What is VNE for the PW-5 and how is it marked on the ASI? (PW5 Sections 2.2 & 2.3)" x2 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "6) What the rough air speed for the PW-5? (PW5 Section 2.2)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "7) What is the maximum aerotow speed for the PW-5? (PW5 Section 2.2)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "8) What is the minimum sink speed for the PW-5 at maximum take off weight? (PW5 Section 5.3.2)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "9) What is the best L/D speed for the PW-5 at maximum take off weight? (PW5 Section 5.3.2)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " textarea "10) What is the glide ratio of the PW-5? (PW5 Section 5.3.2)" x1 ! wiki "\\ " fieldset "Quiz Completed" yesno "I have completed the quiz." "=Yes" "!No" fieldset "Submit your test" submit "Submit Your Answers"